
Top Opening Envelopes

Top opening envelopes can be Banker envelopes, Wallet envelopes or Booklet Mailer’s. Wallet and Booklet Mailer’s are either Lick-Seal, Self-Seal or Peel & Seal envelopes. Banker envelopes have a V shaped closure flap and are only Lick-Seal envelopes.
Common NameSizeQtyColoursLick-SealSelf-SealPeal & SealPlainWindow
72 x 102500
85 x 110500
90 x 140 500
11B90 x 145 500
9's90 x 165500
99 x 140500
CM100 x 215 500
4 x 9100 x 230 500
105 x 165500
107 x 140 500
DL110 x 220 500
110 x 305500
C6114 x 162500
DLE114 x 225 500
120 x 180 500
120 x 205 500
DLX120 x 235 500
CD Env125 x 140 500
130 x 180500
130 x 200 500
MAX POP130 x 240 500
145 x 185 500
C5162 x 229 500
C4229 x 324 250

Side Opening Envelopes

Side opening envelopes are also called Pocket envelopes. These are available as either Lick-Seal or Peel & Seal envelopes.
Common NameSizeQtyColoursLick-SealSelf-SealPeal & SealPlainWindow
#395 x 551000
#4109 x 60 1000
#5120 x 70500
#6135 x 80 500
#7145 x 90 500
#8150 x 100 500
170 x 90500
B6176 x 125 500
190 x 130 500
210 x 135 500
DL220 x 110 500
230 x 100500
DLX235 x 120 500
C5229 x 162 500
230 x 150 500
B5250 x 176 500
255 x 180500
265 x 115 500
265 x 190 250
265 x 215 250
280 x 130 500
305 x 150500
305 x 255 250
X-RAY317 x 266 250
C4324 x 229 250
340 x 224 125
B4353 x 250 250
355 x 150 250
355 x 230 250
380 x 255250
405 x 150 250
405 x 305 250
X-RAY444 x 368 250
C3458 x 324 250